Hi, I’m a Danish double bass player playing in the Swedish National Orchestra – the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra.
Currently working on an international website for classical musicians.
- Grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Travelled and lived in many countries
- Was a guitar hero in high school
- Learned to play the bass at the conservatory in Aarhus (Denmark)
- Invented and patented the Double Trolley that I now sell world-wide to bass players
- Got a wonderful son – Emil
- Was a CEO of a public company
- Learned to do proper book-keeping
- Did calligraphy, Tai Chi, Jiu-Jitsu, Ai-Kido, Alexander Technique and more
- Invented and developing Molecule (scalamolecule.org - Github), an intuitive library for accessing the Datomic database
- Participator in the DCI programming paradigm (created the ScalaDCI library)
- Passionate Scala programmer
- Don’t have a TV
- And some more…